I’m always scratching down notes and squirreling away ideas and sometimes those thoughts expand to a few hundred words or so. And when they do, I’m happy. And when I’m particularly happy with them, I share them here. I hope you enjoy reading them, too.
My first book, “Everyday Ordinary No One,” was a collection of 40 personal essays documenting how I got to where I am today and who I’ve met along the way. Written primarily from 2016 to 2017, the collection was self-published in both traditional and ebook formats, as well as released serially online throughout 2018 with each story accompanied by an audio version (read aloud by ol’ do-it-yourself me). Following a limited release, “Everyone Ordinary No One” is now out of print, though a few stories are available within this website.
If you want to reach me, please send a message using the form below. Lots of things are posted to my Instagram and Twitter, too, so be sure to check those out as well.
Currently, I have a couple new writing projects in the works, but those won’t likely see light of day for quite some time. Until then, I’ll post the occasional short piece here.
Thanks for reading along.